February 09, 2008

How to Get Salary Increase

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After several years with the company you’re working for, you may find your duties have grown or changed but your salary hasn’t kept up. In other facts new hires at the company with the same responsibilities may be earning more for doing essentially the same job. To address this issue, there are some fundamental steps and essential approaches you should take before you go for your-salary increase- struggle.

As usually, let figure some thoughts about salary increase before going to the fundamental steps and approach.

Our Common Fact

Many of us (you, me, others) begin working for a company with a set of responsibilities, but as time passes our duties gradually grow or broader. As a result we end up assuming the responsibilities of a higher-level job without a commensurate pay increase. As a counter part (well, in this case), employer will follow this common fact, till we realize and start approaches for a rise up. Are the employers wrong? of course not. How could they know about our deserve for a salary increase if we show them as if we are more than happy with the pay we get now compare to our broader duties?. No way!

Get know The Real Fact

Regardless of any hassle may caused by a “too low salary pay–will decrease-long term of descent work”, businesses are always set at the most competitive cost scheme. Salary and labor cost are element of the whole cost that set the revenue off, the less cost is the more opportunity for the business rapidly grow, hence will end up with handsome bottom line of profit.

Over viewing the real fact, we then able to figure out about what the only straight reason for salary increase. Salary increase will need a factor to set off with to keep the revenue-cost steady; the main factor considered as a counter is “contribution increase”. Here are measurements to determine if you well deserve for salary increase in term with contribution.

For staff level;
(-). Your work load is increase (for all level); or
(-). Your workload may stay the same, but you are able to do it faster, more accurate, more reliable, and less failure.

For management level;
(-). Your oversea is broader (for management level); or
(-). Your oversea may stay the same, but you cut more bills (more efficient)
(-). Your efficiency may stay the same, but you are able to add more value to the organization

3 Fundamental steps for a salary increase

Knowing the fact that “yes!” you well deserve for a rise up, don’t take over reaction (i.e.: noisy, less passion in work, less responsible, treat the company with a resignation or any other unethical attitudes), instead, do the following 3 fundamental steps to make your salary increase more prospective:

The First Step: Figure Your Position - where you stand

Compare your original or initial job description with your current duties and roles. The documentation of company uses for its performance review which often lists of duties is a good place to start. This may be all of the information you need to prove that you deserve a raise or a promotion with higher pay. Your boss may prefer a graphical presentation rather than an open discussion, then you need to construct it on excel list for his/her review later on. Analyze and compare it, and find out about:
(-). Where and what your duties and roles are increased or broaden
(-). Where and what bills you cut more than it was
(-). What process you’re doing is faster than it was
(-). What value added and on what product/service you’re putting more

If you able to figure and find one or more factors among the above, you may go for the next step, otherwise you should not, and you may need to be more focus to create the factors to make yourself well deserve for a rise up.

The second Step: Get the numbers precisely

After deciding you deserve more pay, the next step for you is to check the numbers and determine how much, what number you are going to go. It’s important to approach your boss with solid salary research. A number of Internet resources are available to find out what other companies are paying for the same position as yours now. Before going to research, you should consider about scale of the company, geographic, region, country where you and the company based in. The closest reference you choose the more realistic presentation you have on hand for more prospected approach. For instant; if the company considered as a small-middle scale, you should not choose a big scaled company as a reference, or if you’re in West Africa you should not choose a company based in United State as a reference.

The third (Final) step: Get a right case for a raise

All of your research will be useless if you approach your supervisor, or your manager, or your HR, or your controller or your CFO at the wrong time. Make sure he or she is in a good mood. The best time to ask for a raise is right after you’ve completed an important project or instituted a cost-cutting initiative.

On “NO” answer to the approach

As closing words on this tip, I would add a last tip for worst scenario. When every approach get “No” answer, don’t let yourself over whelmed by doing unethical attitudes, instead stay back and find out some other ways of possibilities to get another term of compensation. Here are 3 prospective efforts you may take to get another compensation term:

(-). Try to get a well paid bonus on every new project you will be done.

(-). Go for some negotiation to get another non-monetary term of compensation, such as: get more assistant to decrease your work load, get your working hour decreased, if you never paid for working on a red day, try to get paid, get more paid sick days, or you may find some other term base on your own thought but keep it realistic to the current situation in the company.

(-). Try to get a commitment for scheduled date of next review, the closer is the better.

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