March 24, 2008

Are You Workaholic Or? | Self Assessment

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Market conditions fluctuate so fast that workers would rather play it safe by working into the good books of the employer. What better way to do that than tobe the first person to step into the office and the last to leave. What started out as pure work enthusiasts end up being workaholics. Within this broad generalization, there are also those who choose to overwork themselves. The second group of workers intentionally put themselves in that position of a workaholic. The question are : Are you really workaholic or ?, If you are, the how do we tell that a person is addicted to work? What can we do to help ourselves lead a balanced life?

Workaholics typically continue to work past the point of exhaustion, causing them to make mistakes and work even harder to fix them. They also find that when they get where they were so driven to be, there is often nothing there. This leads to a chronic cycle of obsessive goal-chasing which, in reality, is much like the hamster running on the wheel -- frenetic movement that leads to nowhere.

Work addicts are in a different class. Many do not work for the monetary rewards, promotion or recognition; they work because they just cannot stop working. Bosses naturally love to employ these people since their engines can run even without fuel. They 'burn-out' at an early age, and are often ill and depressed.

Are you workaholic or…?

Within this broad generalization, there are also those who choose to overwork themselves. The second group of workers intentionally put themselves in that position of a workaholic that fallen in within the following 5 typical & reasons:

1. The pretender
He works hard only when his bosses are looking. They are who would leave their computer on, switch to a password-protected screensaver mode, and sneak out of the office at about 5pm. they had their dinner, shower, booze and returned to office at 8pm. They then worked till midnight and returned home after that. Their boss would leave the office at about 11pm, and was always pleased to see these managers at their desk even at that late hour.

2. The opportunist
There is a rosy opportunity, a managerial position that is recently vacant and up for grabs. This person has been eyeing it for a long time and decides to become a work addict overnight to prove to the management that he has the cut for the job. He makes a lot of 'noise' while at work just so that people know that he is workinghard.

3. The insecure
At the other end of the spectrum, instead of a possible promotion, this person senses a threat to his position. He may get fired because he handled something badly or there is a new employee who is better qualified. The feeling of insecurity motivates this person to work.

4. The procrastinator
He sits on files, drags his feet. Close to the deadline, he suddenly wakes up to the reality that his career is on the line if he does not complete the assignment. During this last stretch of the race, and so close to the deadline, he has no alternative but to work doubly hard.

5. The escapist
Family unhappiness causes him to stay out of the home. With nowhere else to go, he stays in office for as long as he can and dives into work to keep his mind away from his marital problems. Curing the habit for these lot of people will depend on the reason for them wanting to work long hours. A good boss should encourage his employees to have a balanced life. The best way to do that is to be the exemplary figure. If bosses leave the office right after office hours, openly talk about their golf and other social hobbies, and party away on weekends, the workers arel ikely to follow suit.

There are telling signs of work addiction, who are the true blue workaholics (i.e.: those who take their work seriously and cannot kick the habit of working). Such people have to progressively understand that work is never-ending. Be convinced that success in life is incomplete if it is only a success at work but a failure at home. Look around your office or place of work and if you spot someone with several of these symptoms, they are either already workaholics or have the potential to be:

[-]. Works extraordinarily long hours.
[-]. Always talking about work matters.
[-]. Routine is home – office – home and nowhere else.
[-]. Goes to work when on medical leave.
[-]. Does not take vacation leave.
[-]. Always in a hurry.
[-]. A perfectionist.
[-]. Does not like to delegate work.
[-]. Likes to stay in control.
[-]. Emails you in the middle of the night for work's matters.
[-]. Wants everything done urgently and quickly.
[-]. Impatient and has a low tolerance for mistakes.
[-]. Does not socialize unless forced to.
[-]. Possibly temperamental and hostile.
[-]. Takes little care of personal health and hygiene.

Steps You Can Take

Debra Davenport, PhD (An Executive Professional Mentor, career expert and the president of DavenportFolio), on Yahoo! Hot Job said:

Like any addiction, workaholism should be treated with a multi-prong approach that may include counseling, behavior modification, hypnotherapy, lifestyle changes, and family intervention. Some tips for getting a handle on workaholism:

1. Get the support you need.
Counseling will help you focus on the big picture and shift your energy from work to rest, relaxation, wellness, and recreation.

2. Schedule non-cancelable leisure activities.
Put your workouts, movie nights, and other leisure activities in your calendar and consider them appointments, just like you would with a client or customer.

3. Get to the source of the underlying issue.
Could anxiety or a lack of confidence be driving you to prove something to yourself or others? Low self-esteem and the need to overachieve are often at the core.

4. Set boundaries.
Leave work at 5 p.m. and leave your work at the office. This requires focused self-discipline; a coach or colleague who will hold you accountable may be helpful.

5. Learn to delegate.
Most workaholics believe they are the only ones who can do the job right (perfectionism). Learning to let go and eliminating the need for control are two powerful strategies to set yourself free from the dysfunction of workaholism.

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