April 26, 2008


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In the Social Media Era, being faceless no longer works. PERSONALITY MATTERS. CEO, all business entrepreneur, marketer, public relation or people or even kind of people who love to learn a hot knowledge just like me may find this useful, fresh yet hottest social media topic in 2008. You may want to get a free book’s excerpt?

If you consistently provide good answers to these questions with your marketing, It is guaranteed that you will be able to sell whatever you are trying to sell:

1. Features. What does your product do for me and why is it different and/or better than others?
2. Benefits. How will my life be different/better/changed if I purchase it?
3. Price. Why it is worth what you are charging?
4. Action. Where can I get it?

Of course, if it was that easy no companies would ever fail. Answering these four questions with good answers is not necessarily a simple thing, but the formula this creates for selling anything is very straightforward.

Clearly, being faceless doesn’t work anymore. The problem is that many organizations today are stuck dealing with their customers, partners, and employees in a faceless way. Some don’t realize it and others are too paralyzed to change. The biggest challenge most organizations today face is discovering how to go from a brand that people consume to one that they are passionate about.

"Personality is the unique, authentic, and talkable soul of your brand that people can get passionate about"

Personality is the key element behind your brand and what it stands for, and the story that your products tell to your customers. Every element of your business, from your interactions with your customers to the packaging of your product is an element of your brand personality, and these are the elements that inspire delight or indifference among your customers. In short, personality matters".

Learn more about : what it means by personality, what the elements are, and how you can tackle the most difficult question of all: how can you find a way to inject personality into your brand when the majority of marketing conventions today focus on helping you shield your personality from the world?

Rohit Bhargava (Senior Vice President of Digital Strategy & Marketing Ogilvy Public Relations) the top 50 world blogger just launched "PIN = Personality Not Included", he believes the book is the answer.

"Personality Not Included" is for marketing and sales professionals who believe that marketing needs to do more than generate this type of profit. It is for companies that want to be loved instead of liked. It is for organizations that want to be iconic instead of ordinary.

I am not a book reviewer, but I admitted that just impressed much because of 2 reasons:

[-]. The book itself converting a merkting theory into a “Lets-Go”, he even hands on hundreds of cases as examples, tools and material sources to implement his theory, by far this is the first book I found with such insightful yet convertible-to-action theory.

[-]. His brilliant way to launch his product (book). He been using social media to buzz his product; blog, press release, blog review. He even invite 55 luckiest blogger to get exclusive mini interview. Out of 55 blogger applied, he put 12 blogger as contestants. 5 most voted got free copy of the book, and the rest 7 blogger got $100 value gift certificate from amazon.

Here what Guy Kawasaki (bestselling author of The Art of the Start, Entrepreneur and Founder of Garage Ventures) said to endorse the book:

Building brand personality has been a big part of my career. To a large degree, it was unwritten because no one had quite found a way to speak or write tangibly about its importance. Now you’re holding the solution in your hands. Take the lessons here and apply them to your business. Find a way to humanize your brand, use your personality, and take your brand from good to great. The first step is to believe that personality matters. The second is to read this book.”

If you're interested the PERSONALITY MATTER to be implemented in your business, learn about this from the book. Or even learned how Rohit buzz the market using social media. I actually got "excerpt" of the book from the right source (official launch site of "Personality Not Included"), if you wish to read the excerpt go and get yours. Don’t get me wrong, I am not an affiliate marketer, I just want to share whatever I found useful.

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